Thursday, 29 December 2011


It's nearing the end of the year guys!!! IT'S TIME TA PANIC!!!
AHH!!! *Rips off underwear!!!* New Years Resolution anyone???

Anyway, it's almost New Years Eve, and I've barely made any progress these
past couple of weeks! So! Freakin'! Shadz!~ Argh! Anyway! 
No time for picnics  panics! Gotta get, Moooo~vin'!~
So Christmas Eve's just passed, and I'd just like to say...this week's been a bitch! =="
I've had this drawing done about a week ago, so I've been meaning to scan it and
touch it up in Photoshop...The thing is...

- Day 1: Family member suppose to wake me up before leaving to evening dinner party.
Failed, then headed to the Newsagency to use the A3 Scanner cause I only got size A4 Scanner...Shop was closed at 4pm instead of 6pm due to Christmas Eve. Fail.

- Day 2: Ended up leaving Laptop at relatives. Fail.

- Day 3: Sister promised to retrieve the laptop from relatives, but retreated, 
due to heavy hail storm. Fail.

- Day 4: Retrieved the Laptop finally, but I was dead that day from a previous all-nighter. Fail.

- Day 5: Went to the Newsagency once again to scan A3...Scanned so, went home,
turned out she scanned an A4 size image of my A3 size drawing...Smooth, boss~ Fail.

- Day 6: Returned there, pissy. Made me pay, since my relatives no longer work there.
Scanned my image like a thousand times because the computer there didn't recognise the scan A3 size...What the fff---??? God's denying my future.
After like an hour, i finally admitted defeat to the f%^&en scanner, sort of, so I scan printed it from A3 to A4 (which worked? WTF???) then scanned in the A4 image into the computer. Hacks. Take that, god~ But the scan quality was shit, so we're even.
I dunno if you guys understood anything I just said, but GOOD LUCK!

Anyway, after sever hours I finally completed something 
I set out to complete about a week ago =="
She better like it...


Hope this Art Trade isn't too late~ Hehe. And I hope you like it!

MERRY CHRISTMAS BLOGGERS! May everyone have a good time!
Pig Out! Live! Drink! Die! Ha! Jokes! Hope everyone's ready for New Years! xD
Hoping to Blog once more before New Years >< Wish me luck!!!!

Friday, 23 December 2011



It's been too long!!! I should be scold at!!! Anyway!!~ Sorry it's been so long that I've
updated here! Lot of things been happening lately (excluding the holiday I was just on)
so I haven't had the chance to post anything worthy of being posted lately!
Speaking of something not worthy, here's some of it I'd like to share with you! :D

So some happiness guy asked me to share this before I went on my trip, and
I was gonna~ But--- Anyway~ So once upon a time, I had a dream~ I was a grape.

`True Story.'

Here's how it went down.
So here I was, peacefully standing/sitting/lying by a lake~
I dunno if I can say if I was
standing or not, cause that's like saying a branch is standing from its trunk. But yeah anyway~
So I was just happily standing/
sitting/lying there, until a freakin'
cockroach started heading towards
me...As his dirty little feet walked
upon my sexy, green, slender
body, he said in a very creepy tone,
"You look tasty :3"

He began licking my eye ball; with
each and every lick, I could feel the
violation he was causing to my face.
My~ This story sounds abit dirty...
ANYWAY~ He began chewing into
my jelly eyeball~ Ripping its jelly
flesh out, leaving only roots and
tears of juice behind.

After he erased my vision with his mouth (lol gross) he began heading towards
my forehead, chewing on it violently, like a mad-dog, ripping the flesh off of its victim.
That was when Frank Barone from Everybody Loves Raymond appeared and flicked
him off my head. SAVED BY FRANK!!! WOO!~ He then told me to get lost.
So I got off the cliff of the lake, and jumped off onto a hot-air balloon...And that's when
I met Woody and Buzzlight Year ._. Whom was still in his box. In mint condition ;D
Soon after that, my dream blurred out to a beautiful sunny morning, in reality.
My thoughts: HRMMM........What the ff--

So yeahh~ Good times~ Hope you guys were entertained! And don't think I'm a weirdo now!
Just because of a stupid dream, anyone could've had....>.>"


Tuesday, 6 December 2011


Hiya folks! Been a while, pineapple~

Haven't been up to much, with many Birthday Parties having passed and coming~
And also next week, I'll be on a one week-ish holiday, so don't expect a post from me
next week ): Sorry folks. But maybe I'll do some sketches there & send some via Blogger ^^
So yeahh...Anyway!~ Like I said, haven't been up to much cause of so, so here's a little
something on what I've been working on for abit in my, er, spare time.
This is more of a draft of a drawing, so I kinda encourage you NOT to critique it yet,
since i know there are plenty of disproportioned parts in it (: But as usual,
comments are welcome, and, hope to hear from you soon! ^^
edit* also forgot to mention, this may get scrapped! see you soon!