Hello there my little shmoop-plops~ (?!?!) How do you all dare do?~
Today's post is about a tribute I did for Street Fighter X Tekken which I'm sure (HOPE)
you've heard or seen of before, since it was one of the most anticipated games of 2012~
My tribute goes towards 2 of my probably favorite video game girls of all time;
Asuka from the Tekken Series, and Sakura from the Street Fighter Series~
Two of which both happen to be school girls...
Anyway! Onto the process~
For this piece I cheated the silhouette stage for some reason and went straight into the
rough sketch~ For me I thought the rough sketch looked pretty cool~ Kinda dynamic.
After I made the lineart however, I noticed the image lost quite alot of the 'energy' it had back in the initial sketch...I think while I was working on this part of the piece I got irritated with Asuka's hair not being able to reveal much since both sides of her head are being blocked by Sakura's head and arm ): Her hair is her main charm in my opinion, besides her chest...I mean her ass...I mean ah ha ba booshka. (face)
Irritated, and believing I would soon quit this piece I plunged on anyway, with the
shadow'ing and the colors (on the left)~ As usual, the piece looked so poor by then.
But the good ol' overlay did its job and brought vibrancy and life into the picture~
Amazing what that Overlay option can do. Takes 2 seconds too!
Finally, just fix / add more little details and voila~ Done!
Although the quality is no where what I wanted it to be....
I'll remake this piece another time in the future :P
Click >> HERE << for Full View!!
Thanks for tuning in!
See you next time! Take care!