Tuesday, 21 June 2011


Wow, Chapter#4 is so gay ==" Regret posting it...Lols!
Anyway!~ So like, do you guys remember the universe picture
I made in Chapter#2? (Click if not). Well, here's the updated/
probably finished version of it~ All colorful and stuff~
Added sparkles, lights, planets, and shooting stars~
The original before was way too contrasted and the red
just burned through my pupils *o* So I changed it to a more
'pretty' pink, which makes it look forever so magical~
Magical, no?~

So anyway!~ That's probably that! I really cannot be bothered with putting a model up
in there, and I don't really think I'll need to learn those techniques, so yeah...
That's the end for that picture (:

In other news!~ So, I don't think anyone here following me has visited my DeviantArt yet?
Probably not...You jackas--Jokes. But, if you want to, its under my 'About Me' widget~
Anyway, if you have, you'll probably recognize the two right heads below~
The heads above from left to right, row to row, is Yenni, Me :O, Melissa, Huy, and~
The just completed the line art for this person~ Yuni. These were used for random
outlines for me to practice and develop my coloring techniques in Photoshop~
If you'd like to see the final, fully colored version for two of them, click:
Here, for a pic of me~ Or.
Here, for a pic of Mr.Vui~
(Huy: Tsk, who wants to see a pic of Tony when they can see me :D ) Right? Lol.
If you wanna see my whole gallery, just click here.

Welp! I think that's all for today!
All that, should've (SHOULD'VE) made up for the last post...
Well, see ya next time!~

Follow my alternate adventures with!
And just for Mr.Vui, here's a little something extra:


Hope you like!~ Enjoy!~


  1. woo! nice post, Anh Tonaye! ^^ Yeah, i remember your universe drawing in Chapter 2. LOL, what? Mmhm. this one looks better than the last one. *nods@magical. (: OH OH, MR.VUI'S VISITED YOUR DEVIANTART. nice line arts, bro. Melissa's eyebrows look iffy though. looks sorta too high like, on her forehead or something. :P LOL. well, yeah of course! Huy: LOOK AT ME, YOU GUYS! bahaha~ Ah, so you were gonna save this extra for next time? Oh well. lolol.. well I LOVE IT. >:D Huy: Mmm.. Brains.. Yeah? LOL. yay, we're all aliens! (: And oh! i think i know your problem. try moving your photo to the middle. right now it's on the left. Tonaye: or MAYBE YOU CAN COME OVER. :D hm. i like this photo a lot. Tonaye's new dp maybe? if not, i am. LOL ^^ Cheers.
