Monday, 4 July 2011


So just got back from a holiday at the Snow!~ Good shit good shit.
Haven't drawn much since then. Bad shit bad shit. So anyway.
Here's what's been goin down~

Very basic character design~ Using this as a basic outline, then gonna pile up the details
from there~ So his basic characteristics are there~ At the moment, I'm planning to give
him longer, more slicked-back hair, to show that he's a speed type character.
Always moving forward. Running~ I'm planning to make him my #1 character so
expect a lot of character development in the future!~

Trying to give him '2 looks'~ Don't expect you guys to understand, but I want the
audience to see two sides of him~ Like, you 'KNOW' when he's in action when
he has this look and that hair~ and you know when he's serious~ Abit like Goku.
You know he means business when he turns Super Saiyan :D So yeah~

Okaye!~ Unfortunately, that's it for today!~
Follow me alternate adventures with!...
And here's a little sneak peak on somethin.


  1. Oooooo 2 looks! nice idea, bruv! :D
    and great Catch Ya Later picture. he has a rat-tail. hmm, he reminds me of someone. Bahaha! wth@sneak peak. *double clicks, BARELY CHANGES ANYTHING! dammit Tonaye! LOL

  2. LOL! Dunno who youre on about xD
    And its called a sneak peak for a reason
    buddy ;D Didn't think you could slide by
    a sly fox like me, did ya? hahaha
