Saturday, 9 July 2011


Today's chapter ends with my completed pic, taken forever so long to complete,
with other pics going on~ You guys remember this?
Yeah, good times~
and then, came..this~
 Then this~ (Yeah, small changes...)
And then thissss!~
Finished!!!!!~  *Please Click Here!~
Help me out and spread more stuff about me!~
and Click the pic for a clearer view! Thanks!~ :D

That's it for today! Folks!~
Follow me alternate adventures with!...


  1. i see you edited the last bits of info of this post! Bahaha. that new piece of yours is amazinggg! love those "spores" :D gives off a relaxing feeling~ can't believe you Yakult inspired you, LOL! i'll help you spread word again in my next post, bruv! (:

  2. Hi Tony, thanks for the comment :)
    wow are these your drawings? They are great!

  3. lol, thanks huyyy~ :D
    Kool, that's what i was going for, haha.
    Yeahh ceebz thinking of a name. so i looked
    at what was in front of me, and i was like.
    hey..i like yakult....*names yaku
    thanks bruv!~ :)

    thanks tam (:
