Sunday, 5 February 2012


Hai Gaiz 'n' Gurlz!~

Yayerz!!!~ I just finished my Cert III in Transports and Logistics course!~ Freedom!~
Finally get to get away from all those silly, empty-headed people whom reside with me
in the class! xD Yes, I despise alot of the people in my class...Nah just afew. Lol. Few lots.
Whilst 'studying' (lols, study.) for that course, I was well prepared to start my other
course which is Digital Painting in Photoshop with Andrew Hou; an online course~
Buttt, there's been a HUGEE lot of problems that've been keeping me away from doing so.
But I'll tell you about that another day. In other news!~

Whilst that's been holding me back, I've been doing other background works~
Here's one of them:
How's it looking guys? Hope it's looking good. Tell me what you think!~
Oh, and here's a question for YOU (since everyone's doing it.)
What color should the dragon be? This includes:
    - His Mane                                          - Main body color   - Belly color  
    - Crystal-like thing on wings        - Webs of wing~      - Claws / Hor

I look forward to your review and answers! See you soon!~ :D


  1. Oh no!!! I am more than envious of your drawing skills Tony!!!

    Ha ha! Yeah question ahead!

    Mane : i've no idea :D
    Main body color : Black !
    Belly color : Red !
    Crystal like thing : No.
    Claws / horn : As minimal as possible!


    1. LOL, ahh well do your best!!!
      I'll be here to help and inspire you
      when you need the boost to do so! >:D

      Thanks for the suggestion! >:D

  2. Congrats on completing your certificate! I actually 'aww'-ed when I saw that drawing hahaha probably because any boy with googles reminds me of Tai (Digimon fan *ahem*) His body should be red! Belly should be a pastel cream/yellow and mane a green >:)

    1. Thank You!~ It was a painful journey...Haha.
      LOL, Digimon! I might be abit too old for it, one
      may say, but I just watched it again afew months
      ago!~ It was alright~ Lol, nostalgia. and all the
      clich'e lines...Haha.

      Kool! Thanks for the suggestion Bambs! :D
