Wednesday, 8 February 2012


Howdy Y'all Camels!~ And Caramels, what not!~ How you doin'?!~

Just completed my new piece
from the previous post!~
Click >> HERE << to view it; Full View!~

I don't think I've ever planned this well
before creating a piece before...
Before I even started this piece, I had
the exact number of layers I would need
in order to have the finished masterpiece~

Usually I would have about like what, 100 layers? Before completing the piece.
But this time I planned out to have about 10....TEN!!! That's like 10 divided by 100!!!
And in the end, very end, I had about 15-20 at most...That's because by the time you finish,
you'll have these small little errors or ideas you'd wanna touch up on, and that may take a
layer or 2, or 5-10...And also, when you say "Add Logo/Text", the logo and text itself may
take up afew layers or so!~ Like which I have!~ So yeah. I'm progressing abit! That I am!~

In other news! 
Thanks to Athena and Bambi for contributing to my little questionnaire!
I very much appreciate your thoughts! Just as a little gift, 
here's a pic in regards to your thoughts! :D
Your dragon looks 
just so badass 
Black and Red...Lol!~
and what did you mean
Crystal : No. and
Claws/Diamond: as Minimum 
as possible? LOL!

Haha! Mushu from Mulan 
colors! xD Not bad, such 
an asian dragon, haha.
Looks like a dragonthat'd
defend the greatwall of 
China!~ *excuse my 

Overall, great color schemes guys! Again, I very much appreciate the thoughts!
And I hope you guys will continue joining in on my little questionnaires as I create more
artworks to inspire you on! :D That's it for today guys! 
Till next time!~


  1. Omg you're right .... LOL maybe I'm too obsessed with Disney. But then again, what's the shame in that! Great colouring @___@

    1. Wow, that was quick...You're quiet the Blog Junkie aren't you?!~ LOL, jk?

      Yeah Disney's the best!~ I prefer that over Studio Ghibli anyday. Thanks Bambs! xD

  2. Tooooony. Thanks for the mention ! :>
    what I meant with no crystals and claws/diamonds is that i want my dragon to look just like a dragon.. not a very fancy one. hehe.

    good job coloring there. i still haven't practiced :>

    1. Ah ok, I see I see...
      IT WASN'T AN OPTION. Haha! But all good!
      Thanks Athena!~ Less food! More work! xD

  3. thanks for the shoutout, bro! Orange with a purplish belly, how i like it. ;) LOLjkjk. but yeah, nice dragons.
    how long did each dragon take you, man?

    interacting with the readersss. i approve. ^^

    1. Np's bra~ LOL xD
      Took look...2 seconds each? :D LOL xD
      Coloring takes seconds, shading can take hours <3

  4. I lyk more of Bambi's idea of a dragon. Reli 'dangerous' kinda look ^^
