Sunday, 31 July 2011


Another quick update!~
Wow. I really am, getting into the drawing. Hahaha~ So fun fun fun!!~
Spent a couple more hours on this~ And the background came from google, so 
don't y'all be too surprised~ lolol~ and that writing on her neck is....I forget...
LOL! I forgot what the word means =,=" Huyyyy!!!~ Translate!~ Haha.
Anyways, this pic was inspired by this character name Asuka~ Whom some of you may
know from the Tekken franchise~ And to Huy, yes. She is another school girl >.>" xD
'Ere she is~
Haha...yes...See the difference in skill level between my art and theirs? ):
Oh well, all in due time! >:D
Anyways, my chick really needs a re-hairdo~ Hair makes no sense~ Lol.
And so many mistakes to be fixed, haha. Welp!~ I'm off to work on that!~
See you guys next time!~  Here's to a new month!~ Hopefully a good one ^^

Follow my alternate adventures with! 

Wednesday, 27 July 2011


Backkkk~ And I got my mojo back! :D 
Here's a quick couple of updates from over the past couple of days! :)

So, after spending quite alittle time on that sneak peak in my previous chapter, I took
a quick break, ending up to be a large break, brain storming like a mad bitch, and a
whole load of ideas came to mind~

"Aw haw!~ Who's that Huy?!~"

My concept 'Melissa in Wonderland', now, 'Melissa in Never Neverland',
(I tried to be original...But found out a few days later that apparently before Alice in
Wonderland, there was an Alice in Never Neverland....So what the hell???  ==")
when illustrated in a drawing, its always depicted so that the viewer has to 'browse',
or, 'scroll' their eyes around so that they can see the full image~ Its sorta like reading
a comic book, but all the pages are combined into one full scaled image.

SIMPLY PUT.(LOL) Its like reading a scroll, lol! You gotta keep scrolling down /
sideways to read more of what it beholds. And the pic above is the beginning of
that, illustration (:

Eh...That was a bit to read, wasn't it? ==" My bad. Anyway!~
Also, as I was brainstorming in my mind I was drawing / coloring this in for fun~
It's actually becoming quite fun and I'm getting quite into the picture...So this
thing of a 'doing for fun' might become an actual piece later if i decide to
continue it...Look forward to it! :D
Welp!~ That's it for today!~ 
See ya next time!~

Follow my alternate adventures with! 

Sunday, 24 July 2011


Holy Smoking Pot Jesus! Been ages since I've blogged!~ Sorry peoples!~
Anyway, so much craps been happenin' (kinda) so yeahh sorry for my absence~
Anyway, let's see what I have to show today!~

A random secret character~ 
Belonging to the series with the guy with the long blue hair in Chapter#7~
The series is currently unnamed at the moment, so we're gonna have to wait on that~
On a similar note, the character I just spoke of, now has a name C:
But I'll speak more of him when I get more art of him done (:
Kehehe, shattered much?~ No? Didn't think so ):

I think I know why I prefer 'chibi' drawings over full sized ones =="
Takes soo longgg to drawww damnit!~...Well anyway!~
That's it for today!~ 
Well, see ya next time!~

Follow my alternate adventures with! 

Saturday, 9 July 2011


Today's chapter ends with my completed pic, taken forever so long to complete,
with other pics going on~ You guys remember this?
Yeah, good times~
and then, came..this~
 Then this~ (Yeah, small changes...)
And then thissss!~
Finished!!!!!~  *Please Click Here!~
Help me out and spread more stuff about me!~
and Click the pic for a clearer view! Thanks!~ :D

That's it for today! Folks!~
Follow me alternate adventures with!...

Monday, 4 July 2011


So just got back from a holiday at the Snow!~ Good shit good shit.
Haven't drawn much since then. Bad shit bad shit. So anyway.
Here's what's been goin down~

Very basic character design~ Using this as a basic outline, then gonna pile up the details
from there~ So his basic characteristics are there~ At the moment, I'm planning to give
him longer, more slicked-back hair, to show that he's a speed type character.
Always moving forward. Running~ I'm planning to make him my #1 character so
expect a lot of character development in the future!~

Trying to give him '2 looks'~ Don't expect you guys to understand, but I want the
audience to see two sides of him~ Like, you 'KNOW' when he's in action when
he has this look and that hair~ and you know when he's serious~ Abit like Goku.
You know he means business when he turns Super Saiyan :D So yeah~

Okaye!~ Unfortunately, that's it for today!~
Follow me alternate adventures with!...
And here's a little sneak peak on somethin.