Tuesday, 22 November 2011


Greetings, bumblebees...(?)

Sorry for the long wait!~ Been procrastinating like a bitch.. |: Sort of?
Anywaiiz, been reluctant to post more of those Photoshop Tutorials aka Fun Month works~
As I've been searching through more tutorials to complete, thoughts circled my mind 'what
was the point of these tutorials'~ My artworks are more cartoony / anime based, and 
studying these realistic techniques just didn't seem to work well with my style.
That said, yeah...Hey! Long time no post! ^^

Anywaii!~ Back to bizness. Remember this lil fella from Chapter#18? ^^ 
Well I just started reworking on him again, and I've stumbled (not really) on a small problem! Your opinions and thoughts are requried! O: Well firstly, here's what I'm up to (:
Soo that's the redesigned version~ Now below is the same thing kinda, but aimed more
closely to the predesign artwork~ More noticeably his hair is more blazed back~
Now the outfit for the second design is less detailed i know, but he'll have the same outfit
later as soon as i decide which one i like more...which i have. BUT BEFORE I GO ON.
Tell me; which one do YOU like more? Hair wise.

Well, catch up more soon hopefully!~ LOL.
Talk to yous soon~ Bloggers of all sentient beings! (?!)


  1. i like the hair more blazed back. :)

  2. i like the hair blazed..FORWARD. LOL. uh-oh! :D
    your character looks like he has too much hair blazed back. and i think this guy looks better without a tail. he doesn't seem to have tail in both drawings though anyway. ^^

    and btw, your redesign looks way better with more equips. chyeah! just wondering what the characters on the badge says. ;) and no, i can't read that.

  3. I like the 1st one but I prefer his hair on the 2nd pic :3 You should make a comic or stuff like that in the future coz you are soooo talented T_T

    Btw, I just finished our drawing and we looked super kawaii there lol xD ♥

  4. I like d hair blazed back. Looking cool that way ^^ Hehe. I miss drawing shounen. Lately i draw more of shoujo. Its more easier i guess... :)

  5. @Athena: Thanks! :D

    @Huy: Yeah the aim of having alot of hair was to show his flare as an adventurer as well as being young. It's a design thing, compare the two pics to see bruv! And yeah, he looks alot better without a tail, so i discarded it (: In both drawings too. His badge says 'High Mountain'.

    @Bonbon: Yeah I saw it!!! LOOKS SO KAWAII INDEED!~

    @Esma: Shoujo aye...Maybe "I" shall start drawing shoujo too! To expand my skill tree! xD

  6. TONY~~~~! I really need your opinion right now! D: So you see, I have a friend and she's soooo good at making doodles! *A* Here's her website buttercrumble.mister-bee.com !

    After observing her artworks real careful, I think I actually like the way she's doing shadow parts. The problem is that.. I don't know how to do those parts coz as you know, I suck at it! T__T Maybe you could suggest any website that teach me to be a good noobie cartoonist? Plus with lots of tutorials? Hm? ;O TASUKETE~~~~~ >__<

  7. Haha! Bonbon~ You funny one~ From my observation
    you can already shade as well as her~ But there are, just afew small differences. You ready???

    Firstly, she uses alot darker colors than you which makes the picture feel 'heavier'~ which gives the picture much more impact on the viewer.

    And second, her lineart is alot thicker than yours which does the same thing: Add weight + impact to your picture. But I think for now, just need to make your colors darker, see how it goes!~

    As for shading, you can check out this tutorial:
    In the tutorial, you look closer to Method A, and your friend is Method B. But yeah...Besides that, the way you shade already looks better than hers! Just a matter of color in my opinion. If you still need more help just ask me via blogger or email :) Hope that helps!

    Btw, i never see you on msn! ><"
