Monday 5 September 2011


So my Wacom Tablet stopped working a few weeks ago~ Which explains my mysterious,
probably no one cares, absence~ LOL. And it was just recently that it started working
again, when I pretty much gave up on it....*Sighs!~ Why does it do this to me?!?!~
LOL, anyway!~ Soo with the absence of my Tablet, and also other extraneous (whatever
that means) reasons (work, and holidays), I haven't really been doing much ):

But anyway! Let's cut to the damn chase!~
So without my Tab, I haven't been able to work on my lineart~ Soo~...
I just got one from the net to use for now (: And yes. This is Ino from Naruto~
Don't ask me why I chose her, Lol! It's cause it's the most decent lineart I found today -,-

With the absence of my Tab, I learnt a new coloring technique!~

First, you color in black and white (grey) like so~
And then shazam!~ You convert those shades of light and darkness

into color!~ :D Why don't I just color it in color to begin with you ask?
Instead of in shades of grey? Cause with this, you can color all in one section at a time~
So instead of coloring the face, then looking for the same colors to color the arm again,
this will save you the time!~ :D And yeah...
Will be playing with this technique, more in the future (:

So yeahhh~ That's it for now!~
Oh wait...

There's a little something~
Till next time!~ Laters!~ :D
Follow my alternate adventures with!


  1. How do you do d lineart? Is there any other method that i can use beside the photoshop pen tool? I know,m such a noob. Lol.

    Btw, ur girl anime looks great. Wish i know how to do the coloring. M sucks on it >w<

  2. OMGOMGOMG Inochan!! Yeap I agree with Esma :3 Your Inochan's drawing is amazing <3333 By the way, how did you do the line part? Since I'm using scanner to scan my drawing so I have to convert it to vectorized image to get precise lines first before I do the colouring part.. D; Tutorial plzzz! ;))

    Ps. If you don't mind can I have your email? I want to ask you something about drawing stuff. (*A*)

  3. LOL@mysterious, probably no one cares, absence. cracked me up. i care! :D LOL. zzz. your tablet's playing around with ya. tsk tsk. and it's still..extraneous..zzz. DAMMIT ANH TONAYE. and nice tutorial yesterday, bruv. i feel so special, Bahahah! xD don't think i remember half the stuff you told me though.. T___T RE-TEACH, LOL. jk jk. LOL@Your mush crab. :3 party crasherrrr.

  4. @Esma and RabbitoBonBon; Lineart...I just use the line tool in Flash (basically the pen tool in photoshop) and use different sizes to get the effect i want with the lines...Then i move it to photoshop and soften the lines with the eraser so it looks like its done more traditionally by hand, than by computer (: Ill do a little tutorial for you sometime in the future when i get the time ^^ Just for yous, haha.

    Coloring just takes time and effort, and with the right tutorial, you'll be pro in no time ^^
    Try using my method from this post, just color in shades of grey then play with color using Hue and Saturation (:

    @Huy; I know you caree~ Haha. And why did i bother giving you a tutorial ==" You ass...Lol, jk. You'll remember it when you need it (Y)
    My mush crab ain't a party crasher...I invited it, LOL xD Stories on that in the future <3 lol

  5. Btw, wat wacom model dat u use? Mine got problem dat it sometime goes slow on d screen. Maybe lagging?

  6. I use Wacom Bamboo~
    Goes slow on the screen? That's unheard of :O
    My Tablet has lots of problems ):
    Sometimes its ULTRA sensitive, and always
    shakes when i use it ): And sometimes it
    doesn't have pen pressure, and sometimes it does..

  7. That's such a good technique xP
    I'm so bad at colouring ...for some reason my mind just doesn't click with lightings and shadings! Gahhh xP BUT I WILL LEARN ONE DAY. WHen I can be bothered xD
